Visiting Paris apartment of Ivan Miplera, creative director at Diane von Fürstenberg, is like a visit to a parallel world – it gives you a strange impression of space and it has been equipped by the designer itself.
Having been inherited, the apartment is situated on one of the side streets of Paris near Canal Saint-Martin. It was built in the late XIX century and it was in a general good condition. The biography of the place states that for a while the apartment belonged to a circus school.
“I wanted it to look chic and modern, but quite unusual – surreal.” says the owner.
The huge black cube with faceted surfaces hides the kitchen area.
“I like modernism, so, I wanted to have a modern apartment – he explains. – But I don’t like the cold materials associated with this style. So I chose hand-made, warm and luxurious things. My apartment is a cozy and quaint little nest where I can escape from the bustle of Paris.”
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