Jonathan Latiano‘s work explores the tension created by the presence of fragility and the temporary and the viewer’s own contextual relationship to the art and the space it inhabits. As an installation sculptor, he is interested in where elements of his art are physically and metaphorically beginning and ending. Site‐specificity and architectural intervention are vital factors in his work, dictating the wide range of materials and techniques that he employs.
“The pieces that I create contrast abstracted human intuition with the reality of our natural environment. I strive to emphasize the areas that exist in‐between the boundaries of defined regions. My work, in many ways, is my own personal attempt to understand my place in the physical universe. I find the poeticism and concepts of the natural universe simultaneously fascinating, beautiful and unsettling. Many of the areas and theories of science that I appeal to me, particularly ones that deal with vast expanses of space and time, are so complex that the only way I can truly wrap my head around them is to abstract them. It is through my artwork that I interpret, contemplate and fine-tune these scientific theories and notions on both a universal and personal level.” – Jonathan Latiano
Info and images © Jonathan Latiano