Sunflower House frames a multiplicity of different and specific views

With its geometry, the Sunflower House designed by Cadaval & Solà-Morales, frames a multiplicity of different and specific views, and builds up content spaces that inhabit great big framed views. The project started from the dichotomy of reinforcing the relation to the sea while finding and attracting the sun into the house. The project breaks down the panoramic view into the addition of many different conditions; the diverse uses of the house are minced and articulated so that each of them (of small dimensions) is positioned frontally to the diverse landscape conditions. Therefore the project is an addition of small units that each frame a differentiated view, and it is within the transition from one unit to the other where the totality of the panoramic view is comprehended. And it is also in the addition of those units where a major open space is generated, the central space of the house.









Info and images © Cadaval & Solà-Morales

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