TOTALITARIUM expresses juxtaposition between total unification and strong individuality

The concept of TOTALITARIUM derives from the technocratic cult propagandised by the totalitarian regimes of the 20th century’s first half. Terrific palaces and awe-inspiring monuments of the époque are haunted with the solemn spirit of industrialisation. The Utopian ideology glorifies an image of the working class heroine, so stern and so pure. The outfits feature austere silhouettes, technical textures and greyscale palette. The geometrical pleats interpret architectural elements of Constructivism and Totalitaristic Classicism. The garments are made of authentic working uniform cottons as well as fabrics typical of the era’s functional fashion, such as woollen knit and felt. Special finishing, such as raw hems and exposed seam allowances, some piped with elastic, accentuates the technological nature of the designs. Every outfit expresses juxtaposition between total unification and strong individuality, which is a distinguishing paradox of the post-modern fashion.












Info and images © DZHUS

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